[Desert and Sea: Visions of Baja California - El Desierto y el Mar: Imagenes de Baja California]  Imágen Satelital de la Península de Baja California y el golfo de California See Spanish version

[OCEAN OASIS introduction] [Desert & Sea Photography Exhibition] A Look at Geology: The Stone Raft A Look at Climate: Changing Patterns A Look at Life: Forms Wonderful and Beautiful A Look at Humankind: People and the Peninsula The Photographers Exhibit Options [space] [Behind the Scenes] [Field Guide] [Conservation] [Teacher's Guide] [Media and Reviews] [Itinerary] [Site Index]

A bilingual photography exhibition organized by the San Diego Natural History Museum, Desert & Sea: Visions of Baja California, will accompany Ocean Oasis to many of the same venues.

This is an exhibition about diversity, about the richness of landscapes, climate, life, and cultures of Baja California, a region in Mexico encompassing the second-longest peninsula on Earth.

The geologic history of Baja California has created a uniquely varied environment, with dramatically different habitats. Winds and oceanic currents shape the climate, with surprising variety and variability. Thousands of years of isolation, and the pressures to adapt to harsh and unpredictable environments, have led to an astounding array of plants and animals. People are part of this peninsula's story, sometimes fighting to overcome the harsh and difficult environment, other times adapting to it. These four forces—geology, climate, life, and humankind—serve both as the inspiration and organization of this provocative exhibition.

Cardón cactus and shoreline at Ensenada San Basilio, copyright Bill Evarts

Cardón cactus and shoreline at Ensenada San Basilio
Bill Evarts
Water and waves, unrelenting and ever present, carve this shoreline. The desert islands remain, surrounded by sea. They are composed of more durable rock and are more resistant to erosion.

[Guerrero Negro, copyright Fulvio Eccardi.] Guerrero Negro
Fulvio Eccardi
The place where land and sea meet changes with the tides, the seasons, and over the years. Here, the ocean encroaches on the desert, creating a different landscape and a new habitat for numerous species that would not survive in the desert or in the open ocean.

Geology | Climate | Life Forms | Humankind
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San Diego Natural History Museum & PRONATURA
© 2000 CinemaCorp of the Californias