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To find out more about protecting collections, start with these:


Bachmann, Konstanze, ed. 1992. Conservation Concerns: A Guide for Curators and Collectors . Smithsonian Institution Press.

Long, Jane S., and Richard W. Long. 2000. Caring for Your Family Treasures . Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York.


Basic Guidelines for the Care of Special Collections. American Institute for Conservation

The Care of Feathers. Conservation Services, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI

The Care and Handling of Ivory Objects. SCMRE, Smithsonian Institution.

Paper Materials:
Preserving Works on Paper: Manuscripts, Drawings, Prints, Posters, Maps, Documents. The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

An Introduction to Paper Preservation. An online tutorial developed by the Northeast Document Conservation Center with funding from the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training

Paper-based Materials Guidelines. Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education (SCMRE), Smithsonian Institution

Caring for Your Photographic Collections. The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. >

Caring for Your Photographic Materials. American Institute for Conservation

Caring for Textiles. American Institute for Conservation

Guidelines for the Care of Textiles. The Textile Museum, Washington, D.C.

Geography and Textile Storage. SCMRE, Smithsonian Institution.

Hanging System for Textiles in Sturdy Condition. The Textile Museum, Washington, D.C.

Pest problems?
'Bugs' are eating my family treasures! A brochure by the Conservation Services of the Bishop Museum has information that applies to our region as well.

Pest Busters. This short brochure has a Pest Chart that tells you even more about clothes moths, carpet beetles, silverfish, mold and mildew. The Textile Museum, Washington, D.C.

Water damage -- and what to do!
Tips for the Care of Water-damaged Family Heirlooms and Other Valuables. American Institute for Conservation

Salvage Operations for Water Damaged Collections. Betty Walsh, WAAC Newsletter 10:2-5. (1988)

Find a conservator or an appraiser:
Guidelines for Selecting a Conservator. American Institute for Conservation

Appraisals. Resources to help you determine the value of your collection. SCMRE, Smithsonian Institution.

Do you want even more detailed information?

Rose, Carolyn L., Catharine A. Hawks, Hugh H. Genoways, eds. 1995. Storage of Natural History Collections: A Preventive Conservation Approach . Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, Iowa City, IA.

Rose, Carolyn L., and Amparo R. de Torres, eds. 1992. Storage of Natural History Collections: Ideas and Practical Solutions . Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, Washington, D.C.

Conserv O Gram series--published by the Museum Management Program of the National Park Service, this is a series of short, focused leaflets about caring for museum objects, published in loose-leaf format.