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A writer with a crisp, accessible style, L.M. Huey published many reports and articles on birds and mammal species in the scientific and non-scientific press. He published scientific notes and papers mainly in the museum journal Transactions, the ornithological journal Condor, and the Journal of Mammalogy. His articles for the popular press included anecdotes from his collecting trips, species observations, and responses to public queries.

Following is a sample list of papers, culled from a two-volume "Collected Papers of L.M. Huey 1913-1964," held at the SDNHM Library. The bibliography is organized by topic (Guadalupe Island) and by genre (scientific or popular press).

Huey also created a volume of field notes documenting his research trips in and around Southern California.

Guadalupe Island: Seals and Conservation

A Trip to Guadalupe, the Isle of My Boyhood Dreams. Natural History, 24:5: Sept-Oct., 1924, pp. 578-588.

Recent Observations on the Northern Elephant Seal. Jour. Mamm. 5:4: Nov. 1924, pp. 237-242.

Guadalupe Island–An Object Lesson in Man-caused Devastation. Science, 61:1581, Apr. 17, 1925, pp. 405-407.

Late Information of the Guadalupe Island Elephant Seal Herd. Jour. Mamm. 6:2: May 1925, pp. 126-127.

The Latest Northern Elephant Seal Census. Jour. Mamm. 8:2: May, 1927, pp. 160-161.

Past and Present Status of the Northern Elephant Seal, with a note on the Guadalupe Fur Seal. Jour. Mamm., 11:2: May, 1930, pp. 188-194.

Capture of an Elephant Seal off San Diego, California, with notes on Stomach Contents. Jour. Mamm., 11:2: May, 1930, pp. 229-231.

Digging their Graves with their Teeth. How the Goats introduced by Whalers on Guadalupe Island are eating their way toward extermination. [Popular account of conditions on Island] Touring Topics, 22:6: June, 1930, p. 30.

A Sampling of Scientific Publications

With a Band-tailed Pigeon in San Diego County. Condor, 15:4: July-Aug, 1913, pp. 151-155.

Two Birds New to California. Condor, 17:1: Jan-Feb, 1915, pp. 57-58.

Farallon Rails of San Diego County (with 4 photographs), Condor, 18:2: Mar-Apr, 1916, pp. 58-62.

Two Birds New to the Lower Colorado River Region, Condor, 22:2: Mar-Apr, 1920, p. 73.

The Nuptial Flight of the Black-chinned Hummingbird. Condor, 26:6: Nov-Dec, 1924, p. 229.

Two New Kangaroo Rats of the Genus Bipodomys from Lower California. Proceedings of the Biol. Soc. Wash., 38: May 26, 1925, pp. 83-84.

Food of the California Leaf-Nosed Bat. Jour. Mamm., 6:3: Aug 1925, pp. 196-197.

A Discussion of the Zonal Status of the Sierra San Pedro Martir, Lower California, Mexico, with Descriptions of a new Kangaroo Rat and New Woodpecker from that Region. Transactions of the San Diego Natural History Society, 5:1: Feb 20, 1927, pp. 1-10.

Notes on the California Gray Whale. Jour. Mamm., 9:1: Feb 1928, pp. 71-75.

Additional Clams need Protection. California Fish and Game, 16:3, 1930, p. 250.

Three Noteworthy Bird Records from Barrow, Alaska. Condor, 33: Jan 1931, pp. 36-37.

Skunks as prey for Owls. Wilson Bulletin, 43:3: Sept 1931, p. 224.

The Large-eared Freetailed Bat in San Diego. Jour. Mamm., 13:2: May 1932, p. 160.

White Mountain Fox Sparrow in Arizona. Condor, 35: Sept-Oct., 1933, p. 204.

A New Subspecies of Pocket Gopher from Sonora, Mexico. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History, 8:12: Aug 10, 1934, pp. 73-74.

A Pair of Phainopeplas. Birdlore, 37: Nov-Dec, 1935, p. 401.

Notes on the Summer and Fall Birds of the White Mountains, Arizona. Wilson Bulletin, 48: June 1936, pp. 119-130.

El Valle de la Trinidad, The Coyote Poisoners Proving Ground. Jour. Mamm., 18: 1: Feb 1937, pp. 74-76.

Three Noteworthy Stragglers in Northern Alaska. Auk, 55: July, 1938, pp. 555-556.
Birds of the Mount Trumbull Region, Arizona. Auk, 56: July 1939, pp. 320-325.

A New Silky Pocket Mouse from Southwestern Utah. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History, 9:12: Aug 31, 1939, pp. 47-54.

Fork-tailed Petrels from the Coast of San Diego County, California. Condor, 41: Sept-Oct, 1939, pp. 215-216.

A New Cardinal from Central Lower California, Mexico. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History, 9:21: July 31, 1940, pp. 215-218.

Mammalian Invasion via the Highway. Jour. Mamm., 22:4: Nov. 14, 1941, pp. 383-385.

A Vertebrate Faunal Survey of the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History, 9:32: Feb 17, 1942.

Nesting Habits of the Hooded Oriole. Condor, 46:6: Nov-Dec, 1944. p. 297.

A New Race of Kangaroo Rat from the Argus Mountains, California. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History, 10:10: Mar 9, 1945, pp. 131-132.

Three New Races of Pocket Gophers (Thomosys) from Baja California, Mexico. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History, 10:16: Aug 31, 1945, pp. 245-268.

The Kangaroo rats (Dipodomys) of Baja California, Mexico. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History, 11:10: April 30, 1951, pp. 205-256, Figs. 1-2, Maps 3-6, Tables 1-3.

Oceanodroma tethys tethys, a Petrel new to the North American Avifauna. Auk, 69: Oct 1952, pp. 460-461.

Second Record of Tadarida molossa from San Diego, California. Jour. Mamm., 35:3: Aug 1954, pp. 435-436.

A New Race of Dipodomys and a New Race of Thomomys from Arizona. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History, 12:6: Feb 10, 1955, pp. 99-102.

A New Race of Wood Rat (Neotoma) from the Gulf side of Central Baja California, Mexico. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History, 12:15: Sept 25, 1957, pp. 287-288.

The Second Occurrence of a Brown Booby near Parker Dam on the Colorado River. Condor, 61:3: May-June, 1959, p. 223.

Two New Races of Perognathus spinatus from Baja California, Mexico. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History, 12:24: Feb 1, 1960, pp. 409-412.

Further Northern Extension of the Hog-nosed Skunk. Jour. Mamm., 42:3: Aug 21, 1961, p. 421.

Purple Galinule Strays to Southern California. Auk, 79: 3: July 1962, p. 483.

The Mammals of Baja California, Mexico. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History, 13:7: Jan 1964, pp. 85-168.

Citations for Huey’s publications in Transactions (45 citations) may be found in the Publication listings on the Museum Web site. The full listing of Transactions articles is provided; however, those authored by Huey may be located using your browser’s Find function.

Articles for the Popular Press

In the Sierra Juarez, a Land of Pines and Grotesque Rocks in the Mountains of Lower California [popular narrative of trip]. Touring Topics, 20:9: Sept 1928, p. 38.

Wood Carvers of a Lost Mission. Arts & Decoration, 43:4, Nov 1935, pp. 26-29.

Coyote [a boy and his pet]. Desert Magazine, 1:3: Jan 1938 (Issued Dec 15, 1937) pp. 12-13.

Frank Stephens–Pioneer. Condor, 40: May-June, 1938, p. 128. [Listed in this section since it is a biography rather than a naturalist report]

Willie of Death Valley. Desert Magazine, 1:10: Aug 1938, p. 22.

Kit Fox and Camera. Nature Magazine, 31:10: Dec 1938, p. 587.

A Short Visit with Mr. and Mrs. Plumbeous B. Gnat-catcher. Nature Magazine, 32:3: Oct 1939, pp. 429-431.

The Magic of the Pinyons. Nature Magazine, 33:8: Oct 1940, pp. 445-447.

Puff Balls for Dinner. Western Outdoor Sports, 1:13: Summer 1946, p. 64.

Baja Trails. Western Outdoor Sports, 1:4: Autumn-Winter, 1946, p. 6.

Fisher Folk of the Sea of Cortes. Pacific Discovery. 6:1: Jan-Feb, 1955, p. 8-13.

Avian Adaptation to the Jet Age. Pacific Discovery, 14:3: May-June, 1961, p. 13.